Thursday, June 30, 2005

My E-mail is a Wimp

Today I sent out a mass e-mail to my friends alerting them I have redesigned and updated my Web site. And like with any mass e-mail, I received some bounce backs. What I thought was strange was the bounce back message my e-mail client sent to me:

Hi. This is the qmail-send program at I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses. This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

Sorry it didn't work out? Are you breaking up with me or something? The wording of error messages can be a tricky business. How can you say it in such a way that's professional and straight forward, but not too friendly as too lose credibility. I think this message gives the impression that my e-mail client is a touchy, feely wimp who was last picked in gym class. I've given up? Since when were computers allowed to use contractions?

1 comment:

Casey Conroy said...

hmm... But this humanity is completely fabricated by us. A server is not human, so why should it try to sound like one? I understand that when we interface with a machine, we find it comfortable if it speaks to us on human terms. But, when it uses terms like "I've given up" it makes it sound like it has some sort of free will. Like it's choosing which e-mail to send and which not to. Very misleading for me.