Saturday, June 18, 2005

Book Report: Survivor

I once heard a comedian do a bit about how after people read a book, they always find a way to work it into a conversation to make themselves sound smart and refined. So, I recently finished reading Chuck Palahniuk's novel, Survivor. The book is about a former religious cult member, Tender Branson, who has hijacked an airplane that is two hours away from crashing into the Australian outback. Alone, he records his life story into the airplane's little black box so that it will live on forever, even if he can't. Very dark at times, Survivor was full of interesting and absurd characters including a psychic, barren surrogate mother, a despicable agent and a weathly couple obsessed over the proper way to eat gourmet food in social situations. I highly recommend Survivor to all those who are looking for a good read. See, now don't I seem smarter now?

While I was looking for a picture of the book's cover on the internet, I must have found at least four different cover designs. I feel like I need to read it again with each cover and see if the ending turns out differently.

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