Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy Armageddon

Last night I watched this show on the History Channel called "Last Days on Earth". The show ranked and discussed all the different ways in which the human species could be eradicated.

The threats were informally divided into natural disasters like black holes, gamma rays, asteroids and comets and more man-made or at least man-influenced threats like artificial intelligence, nuclear weapons, viruses and global warming. The chances for each specific threat vary, but one thing is for certain: they all do have the potential to destroy us.

I didn't sleep very well that night.

It is interesting/distressing to me to think about what force will eventually bring down the human race. I would honestly hope it will be something that was out of our control like an asteroid collision. It would make me sad to think that we brought about our own demise.

But even if we do dodge all of these bullets, in 5 billion years the sun will burn out and render the earth unlivable.

Happy new year everybody.


master p., esq. said...

no worries. we'll all be dead by then. and from what i've learned by watching science fiction movies, humanity will have conquered distant worlds by that time and we'll be fighting aliens who look surpisingly like human beings and have managed to learn the english language very well. in fact, the thing that i'm most bummed about is not being able to serve in one of those colonial armies and shoot lasers at things.

master p., esq. said...

johnroy: update the blog, bro.