Monday, February 27, 2006

List Serve Surprises

For one week out of every month I help run the list serve at Webster. This mean that when someone sends a mass e-mail to a Webster address that includes a list of e-mail addresses, such as our announcement list, I get to decide which e-mails get sent and which get trashed.

I function as a digital gatekeeper, so to speak. Mostly what I do is filter out spam and other junk e-mails. But every once in a while I will get very strange spam e-mails, like this one:

"OG in 1947 it's for you. Yes.

She should have died after I stuffed her head full of blank paper and busted pages, and I should have died then, too. The sounds of so many footfalls out there was Tightening, almost a profanation. He had GOTTEN AN IDEA. "Paul put his own spoon down. Don't tell me I'm crazy, there's something down there! Trouble was, the nasty thing had a way of escaping and coming back time after time, in one form or another. At first he had been able to work only in painfully short bursts?~W fifteen minutes, maybe half an hour if the story really demanded it of him. or Not"


1 comment:

master p., esq. said...

that sounds pretty f*cked up. i've read it a couple of times, and i get a little more creeped out each time-- it's like the crazy is wearing off.